Besides the obvious, social media seems to have many ways inside healthcare institutions. Is that good thing or not?
Strong popularity' of social media seen at U.S. providers
Though many people are utilizing social media, "one-third use it as a part of their professional obligations."
As the article points out, "one-third of institutions do not allow access to social media for employees, typically due to security issues and concerns about employees’ productivity. The majority of institutions that allow access to social media employ some policies to control that access."
I always state that without a clear and define security policy, social media utilization would be high. Now, I am not saying that social media is bad but rather institutions should set parameters so that it is beneficial for all stakeholders (including the institution; the article points out about marketing and name recognition through social media).
At the end, social media is a double edge sword. It could help as well as hurt a company depending upon how it is used. At the end, I have to keep a policy definition of how social media would be used.
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